When you are struggling with credit card debt, medical debt or paying off a loan and need a trusted debt relief attorney in the Eastern District of Texas, reach out to our team at Maida Law Firm, P.C.
We understand how frustrating it can be to have a large amount of debt that seems almost insurmountable to pay off. When you come to us for your initial consultation, we will take a close look at your situation, listen to your concerns and come up with a strategy that will have you on the road to getting out of debt.
There are cases where filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be beneficial to get rid of credit card debt, medical debt and other loans. Based on your household earnings you may not be eligible for this type of bankruptcy filing.
We've been serving clients just like you in the Eastern District of Texas and beyond, including: Beaumont, Dayton, Houston, Jasper, Liberty, Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Orange, Port Arthur, and Woodville. We will make sure that you are filing for the proper type of bankruptcy to give you the relief you require. It will be a pleasure to assist you, so reach out to our experienced and knowledgeable team at your earliest convenience.
Have questions? Review our
Frequently Asked Questions resource for answers related to bankruptcy, debt relief, and more.
Serving the Eastern District of Texas, including
Beaumont | Dayton | Houston | Jasper
| Liberty | Lufkin | Nacogdoches| Orange
| Port Arthur | Woodville